Father’s Day Traditions with Claudia Gerrard, Founder of Lenora

In preparation for Father’s Day, we’ve gathered our friends to share their favorite memories with their dads, fatherly advice, multi-generational traditions, favorite cake flavors and more. Read below to hear from Claudia Gerrard, Founder of Lenora

What is one of your favorite traditions or memories with your dad?  Safari in Kenya – my dad took me when I graduated from college and then took me along with 2 of my children a few years before he passed away.

What is something your father always says/said? (a catch phrase, a piece of advice, something he was right about! etc.) When things in life got hard, my dad would say,  “pull yourself up by the boot straps and figure it out.”  I hated when he would tell me that, but I often find myself saying the same thing to my children!

 If I turn on ____ song it immediately brings a smile to my father's face and/or husband's face? When I hear Barbara Streisand it immediately brings a smile to my face as it reminds me of my dad – he was a whistler and it would drive me crazy at the time, but what I would give to hear that whistle one more time.

You can't go wrong with cake and a day spent….? You can’t go wrong with cake and a day spent outside enjoying nature.  My dad loved being outside working in his garden. My husband would like nothing more than a day on the golf course!

We have to ask...what would be your dad's and/or husband's favorite Caroline's Cakes flavor to celebrate with? My dad loved caramel cake and there is none better than Caroline’s.  My husband would prefer the carrot cake.

Find Claudia on social @shoplenora

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