Father’s Day Traditions with Megan Stokes, Founder of MeganStokes.com
In preparation for Father’s Day, we’ve gathered our friends to share their favorite memories with their dads, fatherly advice, multi-generational traditions, favorite cake flavors and more. Read below to hear from Megan Stokes, Founder of MeganStokes.com
What is one of your favorite traditions or memories with your dad? As a child, I would sit on the floor with my dad and my brother and we’d organize our fishing tackle boxes. It’s a sweet thing to look back on. My dad actually saved my tackle box and recently gave it to my son, which was so sweet.
What is something your father always says/said? (a catch phrase, a piece of advice, something he was right about! etc.) "God gave us two ears and only one mouth for a reason... to listen more than we speak.” The more life experience I have, the more I understand and value this advice!
If I turn on ____ song it immediately brings a smile to my father's face. Any song from the 70s that brings back high school memories for him. Either that, or The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra, which is what we danced to at my wedding.
You can't go wrong with cake and a day spent……? Golfing. Always golfing!
What is your dad *actually* hoping to receive for Father's Day? Without a doubt, it’s time spent together as a family.
We have to ask...what is your dad's favorite Caroline's Cakes flavor to celebrate with? The Caramel Cake is my entire family’s favorite!

Find Megan on social @meganstokes
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