Mother’s Day with Shannon Latham, Founder of Little English and Bisby Kids

What is one of your favorite traditions or memories with your mother?
One of my most treasured memories with my mother were the handwritten notes she would tuck inside my lunchbag everyday. Even through high school!
What is something your mother always said? or What is something you are always saying to your kids?
"Don't forget to put your smile on everyday!" is what my mother would say.
What is a tradition you are excited to carry on or one you're excited to create for your little one's?
Since my "littles" are 20 & 30, our new tradition is Sunday suppers on the porch- which almost includes exploring a new recipe followed with great music and dancing!
If I turn on ____ song it immediately makes my mom want to kick up her heels.
Southern Nights by Glen Campbell!
We have to ask... what Caroline's Cake flavor would you love to celebrate Mother's Day with?
Without a doubt, the 7-layer Caramel Cake!
Find Shannon on social @shannonclatham, @littleenglishclothing, @bisbykids
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